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A recent series of paintings resulting from current investigations on the origins of Painting. In this series I’m invoking a primordial, innate thrust that leads to the first lines, scratches, outlines, drawings, and scribbles before the creation of language. Caves alludes to a natural gesture of raising your hand and touch the cave wall, as a gesture of awe, of running your fingers over the surface to feel its texture rather than just looking at it. Cracks, crevices, fissures, indentations, and protuberances formed by years of mineral deposition become a vast surface in which images of the exterior world could be projected onto, not only by imagination but physically, as if the seams were cues waiting to be drawn from by discerning hands. In this sense, the cave is an ignition force to produce images of animals, people and rituals seen outside; and through making of images, we start making sense of the world.

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